Three Healthcare Apps for Medical Professionals

Julie Shenkman
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Apps have been a big deal for quite some time now as consumers increasingly rely on their mobile devices for information. Healthcare professionals have been slow to adapt to the trend for a variety of reasons, but that is all changing now. There are some highly useful healthcare apps for patients and professionals alike, but three mobile apps stand out among the increasingly large selection aimed at healthcare pros.

One of the most comprehensive healthcare apps on the market is Medscape, which covers thirty different specialties, so no matter what medical discipline you are in, it will likely prove helpful. The app aggregates information from across many reliable online sources to give you the best information on conditions and patient care. It also has a medical glossary and decision-making support, and information on over 8,000 drugs, including prescription, herbal, and over-the-counter varieties. There is even a large directory of physicians in case you need to make a referral for a patient. Medscape, with its numerous features, is free to download.

There are lots of medical calculator mobile apps on the market, but Calculate by QxMD is one of the few that is free of charge. It also happens to be the most robust out of all these calculator healthcare apps, giving you access to 150 different calculators at once that do everything from providing decision-making support to helping you crunch numbers. It's easy to use and is available for iOS, Android, and even Blackberry, which is a rarity among healthcare apps. The calculators span plenty of specialties, including cardiology, oncology, emergency room, orthopedics, and neurology to name a few.

Finally, the Skyscape Medical Resources app does just what its name implies—it provides a number of medical resources for professionals. Included is clinical information from leading sources on over 850 patient conditions, prescription information, and decision support tools among other features. There is even MedAlert, which gives you breaking news on clinical trials and medical journals so you have the latest info at your fingertips. These features are included in the free version of the app, but there are also premium resources that you can download for a fee, including the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy, and Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.

No matter what medical discipline you are in, or even if you're still a student, there is a growing number of healthcare apps that can be useful to you. As the community embraces mobile technology, the amount and quality of apps will continue to climb. These apps can only help the industry as they make diagnosing and patient care easier and more convenient.



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