C-Level Executives: 5 Job-Seeking Blunders to Avoid

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It seems that once you reach the C-level, you should have no problem securing a great position. But in actuality, it is sometimes more difficult for C-level executives to find work; because they’re so good at what they do, they’re always employed.


In fact, top-level job seekers are often the ones who have the greatest difficulty finding positions because they’re no longer used to the hustle and bustle of a job search, and they make mistakes. Wonder if you’re making some yourself? Here is a short list of C-level job seeking mistakes to avoid:


1. Failing to Network

At the C-level, networking is not only important but critical to a successful job search. So whether you’re visiting with family or friends, or attending social or business functions, take time to connect with people, let them know you’re looking, and pass along your business card. You’ll be surprised by the improvements you’ll see in your search.


2. Underestimating the Internet

The Internet has become a dynamic and rich resource for job seekers at all levels; however, some C-level executives who had solid positions prior to the Internet boom may not realize its full potential. By networking on sites such as LinkedIn and creating a Google profile, you are able to guide employers and recruiters to your skills before even reaching out to them.


3. Turning Off the Charm During Interviews

Another issue that some C-level executives may be faced with is a too-businesslike persona during interviews. While professionalism is undoubtedly an important factor in the interviewing process, it’s also important that you show your interviewers that you have a charming personality. Don’t carry the serious demeanor from your previous jobs to your interview. Turn on the charm to make a great personal connection.


4. Not Finding a Peer Mentor

It may feel a bit strange for someone of your professional caliber to seek help from someone else, but if you’ve been out of the seeking game for some time, you could use a helping hand. So don’t be afraid to reach out for guidance from an old friend or mentor who is still well connected in your field. The more help you can receive from people with an inside track, the smoother your search is likely to be.


5. Writing the Novel Resume

Finally, try to avoid writing a resume that reads like a novel. Although you have many accomplishments to share, it’s important to pare it down so that it doesn’t contain too many pages or dense paragraphs. You have room in your executive cover letter or biography to present your personality. So for the resume, as often as possible, stick to approximately two or three easily readable pages.


The job-seeking process can be a tedious one, which is why it’s important to simplify it all along the way. By avoiding some common mistakes, you can ease the process and improve your chances of being hired.


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